No.10 Apply a signature scent
Switching up your usual cologne
every once in a while is a commendable experiment, but there's
something to be said for having a signature too. After all, wearing the
same fragrance on a regular basis means the women in your life will come
to associate this scent with you. To smell amazing all day long, layer
your scents by matching your deodorant, your cologne and even your soap
if possible.

No.9 Consume caffeine
and green or black tea are packed with antioxidants that will keep you
looking young. Research also suggests that imbibing these liquids
regularly in moderate quantities may lower your risk of dementia later
on as well as various forms of cancer. Plus, a cup of joe gives you that
much-loved get-up-and-go jolt we all need in the morning, particularly
when combined with an early workout.

No.8 Use a facial cleanser
For immediately brighter skin,
massage your face with a high-quality facial cleanser while you're in
the shower. Look for one that contains an exfoliant or a 2% salicylic
acid solution, as either will help to get gunk out of your pores,
resulting in clearer skin within a month. To reduce the appearance of
splotchy skin and instantly look more awake, wash your face using cold

No.7 Pack a lunch
Making your own lunch takes only minutes and will save you a shocking number of excess calories and unnecessary sodium that come with eating processed food or dining out every day. For men crunched for time, simply swapping in a bagged lunch twice a week can make a difference in their appearance in terms of shedding a few pounds, reducing bloating and keeping cholesterol and blood pressure in check.
No.6 Do 100 push-ups
It may be an oldie, but it's a goodie: Adding 100 push-ups to the end of your cardio training in the morning will give you solid abs and strong biceps that women go wild for. What's more, waking up your core muscles this way will improve your posture for the remainder of the day -- you'll appear taller and more confident.No.5 Shave
By and large, women prefer a freshly shaved face, so be sure to allot time in your routine for this essential grooming
task. Even if you don't need to shave every day, leave yourself 5
minutes every morning to do a quick one-over on your mug and assess your
hair growth situation. By adopting this habit,
you'll never have the experience of going through half your day before
realizing you missed three rather conspicuous spots the last time you
shaved. The same logic applies when it comes to tweezing nose and ear
hair or a unibrow.
No.4 Apply eye cream
It's easy to overlook your eyes, but it's one of the first places you'll see signs of aging, starting with fine lines. Dabbing on eye cream in the morning will soothe and moisturize the delicate, dry skin in this area and will minimize the appearance of wrinkles. A product that contains retinol (vitamin A) will confer long-term advantages as well as slow down the appearance of future lines.No.3 Slather on sunscreen
Moisturize your skin after shaving or showering with a cream that contains SPF 30. The moisturizer will plump up your skin, making it appear more youthful and refreshed, and prevent it from drying out. SPF is crucial for preventing future signs of UV ray damage, notably fine lines, sunspots and wrinkles.No.2 Eat a power breakfast
Think of your body as a machine: It needs fuel to run efficiently, and some types of fuel are better than others. Fire up your engine by beginning your day with a breakfast that will keep your energy revved up for hours. The best power breakfast is a combination of lean protein and slow-burn carbs, so try things like steel-cut oats with fruit and yogurt or an omelet with vegetables. If you're in a rush, blend up fruit with milk or juice, and add a scoop of protein powder for an on-the-go smoothie.No.1 Move your body
Squeezing in a sweat session in the morning will improve both your body and your mind -- now and in the future. In addition to exercise building a fitter, hotter body, the endorphin rush it results in will put you in a cheery mood for hours, and your skin will become clearer over time. You'll also deal better with stresses that arise over the course of the day. Although you'll notice benefits from any type of morning physical activity, favor cardio workouts, because you'll burn more fat in the a.m., and save weight training for later in the day.
Good one...
But...why caffein..??
Ok, I think its already explain, but I just too lazy to read it. kkkkk
Like this one..
Keep update.. ^^b
huh ?
wait a second ! Did u do that ?
i can't believe that !
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